• Blaming Victims - Comforting Ourselves

    Victim blaming is not exclusive to sexual assault or even crime. You may hear of a friend’s home being burglarized and think, they should not have bought a house in that neighborhood, but you may also have heard of an acquaintance passing away in a car accident and rationalized that they probably

  • The Founding of America

    The words that open the Declaration of Independence are some of the most profound and inspiring words that have been written on behalf of a revolution. The American War for Independence was one of the first of its kind to be fought against a mother nation.

  • Resilience

    Resiliency is the ability to cope and quickly bounce back from setbacks and challenges that arise, displaying a higher level of strength than before.

  • Power of Play

    While practicing social distancing, parents/caregivers are now wearing the hat of teacher. For some, this has raised concerns of inadequacy, frustrations with properly presenting academics and being a “good” mom or dad as defined by spending enough time teaching to ensure their children do not fall

  • Spiritually Quarantined

    What a time to be alive! I know you are wondering, “What the heck are you talking about, Chap?” We are in the middle of a Pandemic that is scary and not sure how long it will last.Yes, I know!As a healthcare Chaplain, I am seeing things unfold first hand. The fear that many are walking around with

  • Adapt and Overcome

    One of my favorite courses in school was photography. This course taught me various lessons about creative expression and life. The first lesson I learned in Photography 101 was how to adjust the aperture on my camera. Aperture allows photographers to modify the amount of light that passes through

  • Connect, Invest and Stand

    Today I looked down to the gold wedding ring on my left hand. I was reminded that the process of refining gold and forming pieces of jewelry involves intense pressure, heat, and stress. This pressure is necessary to fashion a ring that is strong, pure, and brilliant.We are facing a few “refining”

  • Accepting Uncertainty

    During times of uncertainty, it is important to practice tolerance and a steady calmness. Anxiety is common during these times; however, decisions made out of fear tend to be irrational and reactive. Strive for proactivity, positive thoughts and balance, which will counter the urge to perseverate

  • Perseverance Amid Crisis

    We are going through another significant and unforgettable chapter in human history. An event that concerns Americans and everyone in the world.  Once this chapter comes to close, each one of us will testify on how the human race once again persevered and pressed on to the next chapter.Overcoming

  • Happiness, contentment and positivity

    Happiness, contentment and positivity are a choice! When times are tough, and stressors are overwhelming, it takes intentionality to look around you and see positivity.