Power of Play

  • Published
  • By Dr. Julie Reese
  • 944th Fighter Wing Director of Psychological Health

While practicing social distancing, parents/caregivers are now wearing the hat of teacher. For some, this has raised concerns of inadequacy, frustrations with properly presenting academics and being a “good” mom or dad as defined by spending enough time teaching to ensure their children do not fall behind in their learning.

Remember, learning comes from all types of structured and non-structured play. Social constructs and conflict resolution are developed not just in the classroom, but also at home with parents/caregivers, siblings etc. Playing with pets teaches compassion and love. Counting bubbles, articulating the names of animals in a book, or perhaps the game of “I Spy” will support math, learning colors, and practicing letters and words. Self-soothing is a great way for your children to identify their feelings and further the development of internal emotion regulation. Lego building enhances creativity and problem solving.

It is important to remember as a parent/caregiver, you are always teaching, as your children watch and learn through your directives and interactions. Keep up the great work, breathe, and know that you are awesome!