• A collective effort for mass movement

    The 944th Fighter Wing hosted the over 1,700 mile mass movement during their unit training assembly and all four entities worked together to ensure the cross country trip happened without a hitch.

  • Republic of Korea Air Force F-35A pilot takes first flight

    After a year of preparation and instruction through the 944th Operations Group Detachment 2, Lockheed Martin and their active duty team members at the 56th Fighter Wing, Maj. Kiyun Jung, ROKAF F-35A pilot, flew his first solo mission.

  • 944 FW commander retires after 32 years

    Col. Kurt “Huevos” Gallegos, 944th Fighter Wing commander, celebrated 32 years of service at his retirement ceremony here June 3, with family, friends, guests, and over 200 Reserve Citizen Airmen.

  • Cook takes command of the 944th Fighter Wing

    The 944th Fighter Wing welcomed their new wing commander during a formal ceremony here June 3. Col. Kurt Gallegos relinquished command of the wing to Col. Bryan Cook, 944 FW vice commander. The wing’s guidon was exchanged during the ceremony as a symbolic gesture providing a tangible view of the

  • JASDF pilots graduate Luke’s F-35 program

    Two Japan Air Self-Defense Force pilots “Koku-Jieitai,” become the first from their country to graduate the F-35 program here May 20.The occasion marked the final milestone in a series of firsts made possible by the collective efforts of the JASDF, 944th Fighter Wing, and Lockheed Martin.“The team

  • Citizen Airmen participate in National Police Week

    Citizen Airmen in local law enforcement uniform joined forces with defenders from Luke Air Force Base on May 18 during the S.S. Mayaguez retreat ceremony here.The event was one of many during National Police Week which ran from May 15-19 recognizing the service and sacrifice of law enforcement

  • Operation Reserve Kids

    Over 30 children ranging in ages from 6 to 15 got a small taste of life as a reservist here during Operation Reserve Kids Apr. 1.

  • JASDF flies first solo mission

    The first Japan Air Self Defense Force national representative to Luke took to the skies Feb. 7 during a mission five years in the making.

  • Knocking Leukemia out of the park

    Through love, hope, and the help of Phoenix Children’s Hospital a Citizen Airman and his family celebrated defeating cancer with a trip to the ballpark.Mason Weedman, son of Carrie and Maj. Aaron Weedman, 69th Fighter Squadron instructor pilot, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at age