• Make Your Calories Count

    Make your calories count.Eating for health, performance, and readiness isn’t just about getting the right amount of calories. It’s about choosing the best quality calories to fuel your body and mind. As Reserve Citizen Airmen, we need to keep ourselves in top performing condition, and quality

  • Know the Condition of your Flock

    As we step into the fall season and enjoy cooler temperatures, it is an important time to engage on a more meaningful level with each of your Airmen.  According to Dr. Kevin Leman and Bill Pentak, knowing the condition of your flock is essential and includes, Following the status of your people, as

  • First of 944th medics mobilized for COVID-19 response

    In response to short-notice mobilization orders, several members of the 944th Aeromedical Staging Squadron deployed today to aid in the COVID-19 response in New York City and surrounding states.This deployment is part of a larger mobilization package, activated by President Donald Trump, of more

  • 944FW April UTA Update

    Teammates,In the midst of the COVID-19 situation, the 944th Fighter Wing is committed to taking care of our Airmen and their families and accomplishing the mission.  Based on those priorities and careful consideration, we have decided to reschedule the April UTA for the vast majority of the wing. 

  • AFRC Fitness Assessment Guidance due to COVID-19

    Fitness Assessments have been cancelled until Jun 2020. There is an article on myPers for more information.Effective 17 March 2020, all Official Fitness Assessment Testing is cancelled until June 2020. Members who are due for their Official Fitness Assessment in March will test in 6 months,

  • Telework options and guidelines for the Air Force Reserve civilians

    As COVID-19 response and mitigation drives work force decisions, Air Force Reserve leadership is getting information out as quickly as possible to its supervisors and employees on civilian telework guidance. Telework is an option commanders may consider when making work force decisions in the

  • AFRC announces top three safety emphasis items for 2020

    The Air Force Reserve Command Safety Office here has identified its top three safety emphasis items for 2020. While safety officials encourage all members of the Air Force Reserve team to always emphasize safety, they are focusing on off-duty private motor vehicle accidents, the use of personal