• Recognition of the “Goat” or “Anchorman”

    The recognition category that caught my attention, was not for being Summa or Magna Cum Laude, or Valedictorian, but rather recognition of the “Goat” or “Anchorman,” the last academically ranked Cadet of their class

  • Be proud of your heritage

    As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, let’s commemorate the contributions that unify our legacy to our great country’s rich history and our beloved Air Force’s mission success! Hispanic culture champions diversity and inclusion, as we are a multi-ethnic and multi-racial group. We have become

  • I learned about leadership from that

    It was May of 2003. I was TDY to Nellis, having dinner at Gordon Biersch with my friend Jack. I hadn’t seen Jack in about 5 years, since we were Lieutenants together at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. In the 90’s, I was a communications officer, trying desperately to get into pilot training, and

  • Blue skies and tail winds

    Rays of the sun beat down on the ramp. It was high noon and time for the gray bird to take center stage. I cannot recall the crowd, but I can still vividly picture the Cuban Eight at takeoff and the jet piercing through the sun with the roar of the engine and the fire of the afterburners. It was the

  • Stop the disease

    I try not to repeat my messages to you but this one is so important I’m going to break my own rule. I will be short because this is real simple.April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year’s theme is ‘Prevention is Possible.’ Some people argue prevention is too lofty a goal as the problem is

  • Paying tribute to the many who have fallen

    Fourteen years ago today marks the anniversary of an event in United States history which many of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing and none of us should forget.The September 11 attacks are one of the darkest moments in our history and it stand as a reminder to all of us to

  • Paying it Forward

    As the holidays approach, often we don't think about those service members who aren't able to spend time with their families.Around this time four years ago, I was in basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.  I won't ever forget that feeling of loneliness I had during that holiday season.

  • When The Holidays Aren't Happy

    It's the most wonderful time of the year! At least that is our hope. However, situations in our lives can occur that take some of the happiness out of the Holiday Season. We all suffer hardships at some point in this life. If you are facing some hardships this season, please remember that your

  • Social Media is Honey and Vinegar

    People are more connected today with the world around them then anytime in history. We have computers, tablets, and smartphones that allow us to see what is happening around the world, where our friends are at any given time, and tweet about the lunch menu from our favorite celebrity. This