Outstanding Team Work Published Nov. 6, 2011 By Col. Jose Monteagudo 944th Fighter Wing commander LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- "The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual," Vince Lombardi, football coach for the NFL (1913-1970). Team work, is not a "new" concept. We've all heard the quote "There's no "I" in TEAM," but have you stepped back to think honestly about the definition? Team work is a group of people organized to function cooperatively as a group. Every day our wing succeeds because of team work. Whether you are an Air Reserve Technician or civilian working to keep the wing processes going daily, or a Traditional Reservist working programs on a Unit Training Assembly or immersed in an Active Duty unit, as a member of the 944th Fighter Wing you are part of a team working toward a greater mission. Recently, the 56th Fighter Wing scored an "Excellent" on their Unit Compliance Inspection. While they succeeded immensely due to their preparation and execution of the inspection, they would not have excelled without our help. As a member of the 944th Fighter Wing, you have the unique ability to contribute as a team member not only to our wing but to other wings/units as well. You might be deployed with another unit fighting a war, or deployed to help a unit prepare for an inspection, or during a UTA work on your own programs and processes which in turn directly contributes to the successes of the 944th Fighter Wing, the 56th Fighter Wing, Air Force Reserve Command and ultimately, the Air Force. Without all of us doing our individual jobs, our wing would not thrive and nor would the Air Force mission. I commend all of you for your outstanding team work and encourage everyone to embrace the challenges and rewards of team work in your units.