Get Involved, Be Safe

  • Published
  • By Colonel Jose Monteagudo
  • 944th Fighter Wing Commander
Everyone knows about the 101 Critical Days of Summer. You probably get sick of hearing about it every year and you may wonder why it is different from any other time of the year. Well, statistics have shown that more people are injured during summer than any other time of year.

This summer I would like you to consider a few things that might prevent you or a family member from getting seriously hurt or in trouble with the law. In the last few months we have had two military member fatalities at Luke Air Force Base. Both of these fatalities might have been prevented with the use of a seat belt. Whether the accident is your fault or not the consequences can be fatal for either party.'ve heard it a thousand times, 'Don't Drink and Drive'. Well it seems that DUIs are up and it is not because we intend to drive drunk but mostly due to poor planning. Choosing the least drunk person in the vehicle to drive is not the right answer. Plan ahead, a $20 cab is a lot less expensive than lawyers, a job or your life.

Last but not least, most of us have had the Bystander Intervention Training recently. When I sat through the training most of it sounded like common sense. Why do we need the training? Everyone participating knew the answers to the questions. Well the reality is different. Sexual assaults and unsolicited behavior is on the rise within our Air Force community and most of the time alcohol is involved. Get involved!!! Don't let anyone cross the line.

Have fun this summer with your love ones and most of all be safe!!!!!