Reserve Citizen Airman Lt Col Nicholas Foster, 307th Fighter Squadron, was awarded the 944th FW Instructor Weapon Systems Officer of the Year for 2021. Foster led a team of four weapon systems instructors, led 81 flights, and held nine evaluations to total 857 academic hours. His efforts facilitated the graduation of 60 aircrew to five wings. Foster authored KC-46 academics by creating training plans for 480 aircrew and standardized F-15E refueling operations with KC-46 aircraft Air Force wide. He also led 20 member bi-annual training review board, along with the largest F-15E syllabi change in four years. The changes shaped initial qualification training to meet operations requirements. Foster also served as an F-15E tactical mentor for Intel formal training course. Throughout the course he evaluated 25 objectives over four capstone examples and verified 31 Airmen ready for operations. Foster went on to complete Air War College. He studied over 180 hours for eight classes ultimately enhancing his leadership capabilities to model an upstanding TFI officer.