LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- The 944th Medical Squadron welcomed a new commander during an assumption of command ceremony here, June 6.
Col. Jim Greenwald, 944th Fighter Wing commander, presented command of the 944th MDS to Col. Jennifer Archer in front of fellow commanders and peers.
“Col. Archer has a wide breadth of experience and her skillset is in high demand,” said Greenwald. “I know that she is the right officer to lead the 944th MDS.”
Archer’s last assignment was the 349th Medical Squadron senior public health officer, at Travis Air Force Base, California. In her civilian career, Archer is the Valley Heath Systems area director for ancillary services in Las Vegas, Nevada where she focuses on lab, microbiology, and epidemiology.
“I am extremely honored to have been selected to work with the amazing members of the 944th Medical Squadron,” said Archer. “I look forward to working with you all and seeing how far we can take our squadron.”
Archer will command over 170 members and will be responsible for ensuring reservists assigned to the 944th FW are medically certified and worldwide deployable.
“I am ready for anything,” concluded Archer as she assumed command. “Let’s do this!”