AFR Fitness Assessments suspended through August and Air Force Fitness Screening Questionnaire Changes, effective July 19, 2019

  • Published
  • By HQ AFRC/A1

Air Force Reserve is suspending Fitness Assessments through the month of August to comply with changes to the FSQ that are effective immediately. Changes were made to the FSQ to improve the safety, health, and welfare of our Airmen. Suspending the FA for AFR members in July/August affords members the opportunity to validate sickle cell traits and comply with the new FSQ requirements.

The FSQ has been changed to add a provision for SCT and includes the following:
• 2. Can you verify that you know your sickle cell trait screening test result and that if you have SCT, you completed at least 2 counseling sessions with a health care provider and watched the educational video within the past year ( SCT screening results can be located at (

Seven calendar days prior to taking a FA, an FSQ must be completed. Again, if a member has the SCT, they are required to complete two counseling sessions by a health care professional and watch a video prior to taking an FA. Members can validate their sickle cell trait on My IMR/ASIMS – Medical Readiness through the AF Portal. This requirement will be updated in the instruction upon revision of AFI 36-2905.

Members, PTLs, UFPMs and FAC Staff must ensure they use the current/corrected version of the FSQ.

Where to find the corrected FSQ:

• Fitness Screening Questionnaire hyperlink:

• AFFMS II Navigation: Fitness Tools, Fitness Questionnaire, click OK. The FSQ will come up in a new window, click OK.

The Air Force FSQ Change message can be found on myPers at:

This message and other AFRC/A1 messages of interest can be found on the A1R SharePoint at: